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  1. 2019.07.27
    Japs Tearing US Apart from 2 Koreas Tossed Towards China and Russia

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일본 극우 정권의 발악이 미국의 동아시아 패권 구도에 도움이 될까

한반도 신경제 주도권을 중국과 러시아에게 빼앗기는 결과가 올 것

최대화하기 힘들어질 미국의 국익… 미국은 일본을 통제 안 할 셈인가

- 한반도 사안에서 팽당한 아베의 편협한 경제 규제

- 현행 일본 평화 헌법의 제정 배경은

- 평화 헌법 개정의 본질 — 전쟁 가능한 군국주의 회귀

- 참의원 개헌 의석 확보 위해 벌인 한국 제재의 허상

- 오바마 외교를 그리워할 수밖에 없는 아베

- 트럼프 정책이 혜안이자 해법일 수밖에 없는 이유

- 일본 극우 노선의 제국주의 회귀, 그 끝에는

- 트럼프의 미국은 일본의 광기를 통제할 수 있다

일본 극우 노선, 결국 근미래 미국 패권 영향 하의

한반도를 중국과 러시아로 쫓아내는 결과 가져올 듯

미국의 국익이 줄어들도록 방치할 수밖에 없는 것인가

Japs Tearing US Apart from 2 Koreas

Tossed Towards China and Russia

commented by JANGYUNE

July 27, 2019

Shinzo Abe’s recent policy against South Korea may remind you of good old, oops no siree, evil old days even before WWII. Following imperialistic legacy that his grandfathers left behind, Abe and his political comrades seem desperately occupied with an old-school idea of restoring Meiji glory, by virtue of revising the current peace constitution strictly binded under the US order.

In this regard, the question is simple: Will it work like the way Japs want it to be, or is it going to deviate from the US national interest from long-term view? If the answer comes as the latter, would that be a new starting point of Japs’ downfall (and perhaps weakening the US regime in Asia)?

-  한반도 사안에서 팽당한 아베의 편협한 경제 규제

Abenomics : Why Did He Provoke Korean Rage?

This paradoxical reality had been slightly anticipated before or during G20 of last June, when the presence of Japanese prime minister was ridiculously neglected. Apparently in comparison, the intermingling skill sets of South Korean President Moon showed an impressively close tie to Mr. President Trump, which no doubt must have hurt Abe’s sentiments of inferiority.

Moreover, Moon’s actions were not just acting, but actual, for he brought 2 leaders from the US and North Korea, with invitations to both Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump to Panmunjom(the de facto border area between North and South Koreas, where for the past decades so many political meetings were held), on the next day ‘right after’ G20. My goodness, G20 was completely erased on media, which was really happening even in Japan.

Poor prime minister: Who does ever remember Abe’s G20 speech? Do you realize what drives you deeper into sorrow? His speech was mainly about reinforcing the world order of free trade system. Yes, he opened fire of anti-free trade policy just in a few days. The target was South Korea. Alas.

-  현행 일본 평화 헌법의 제정 배경은

Where the Peace Constitution Came from

Every bit of tragic history, as far as Japs believe, has come from the Peace Constitution which was enacted in 1946 forcedly by the United States GHQ, General Headquarters. As being one of three axis states, Japan was deprived of its own sovereignty, in accordance with the Potsdam Declaration of 1945. This implied the fact that Japanese people had no right to stand on their own to sign up their own constitution.

When Tenno Showa was confronted with Douglas MacArthur, the then-commander of GHQ, the photograph evidently revealed the truth of power difference as vividly as two gentlemen’s stature. This moment must have been painfully striking to subliminal psychology of those Jap right wings. Although justifiably enforced, the current existence of the constitution has been and still is the disgrace to some Japanese. They are often convened in the form of the Nippon Kaigi.

99 per cent of this constitution is obviously logical since it is built up on the US legacy. Japan escaped the imperialism now to remain constitutional and democratic. The remaining hot potato, however, has long been the bone-striking pain in the neck to those ‘some’ Japanese. — The Article 2 to ban the authority to control military forces.

-  평화 헌법 개정의 본질 — 전쟁 가능한 군국주의 회귀

Revising and Returning to 'Normal' State of War

Japan can never have its own military system. It only has the self-defense forces, although experts raise controversy that the level of self-defense has already reached beyond higher ranking than most of the states, particularly neighboring Asians which were mostly victims during imperialism.

Already strong, those far right-wing ‘Kaigi’ members have long dreamed of returning to the so-called ‘normal’ state which is able to take more actions than defending Japan. If it succeeds revising the Article 2 of the current peace constitution, it is lawfully possible that Japan may have the authority to form the regular forces and legitimately invade other territories.

This obviously looks tricky and risky, from viewpoints of such victimized states as South Korea, China and so many other Asians. Shinzo Abe stands on the frontline of that risky positioning, belonging to the Nippon Kaigi to pursue and share political goals and ideals with the faction. History never tells a lie, for it is real that Japan was crazily fascistic several decades ago.

Imagine a picture where the new Nazi party of 21st century resumes political leadership of Germany. Another figure to replace Adolf Hitler were to appear in chassis uniform. Could Europeans live with that? Seriously?

-  참의원 개헌 의석 확보 위해 벌인 한국 제재의 허상

Election : Securing Seatings to Revise the Constitution

On last Sunday of 21st of July, the national election was held to form the House of Councillors (which is equivalent to the US Senate or the UK House of Lords). If two thirds of seatings had been won, Abe and comrades would have secured the quorum to revise the Article 2. They failed to win.

No matter if with winning or losing now, perhaps it does not matter. Their goal has already been set long time ago, and it is only a matter of time for them to make it happen. Their driving motivation will never get weakened. The political identity of Japanese far right-wing appears predetermined with such direction to never know turning backwards. Their clock already started ticking counter-clockwise.

Economic restrictions against South Korea — Was it really helpful to Abe? No one knows and perhaps no one wants to know. In and out through Japanese economy, there already were nation-wide disputes of how useless such actions would be. Would Abe listen to them? Or technically, would it be meaningful for Abe to ever try listening?

Abe argues that restrictions came from political reasons, particularly focusing on national security issues in fear of liaison with North Korea, although it has ironically been found that security breach was made by Japanese themselves, not South Koreans. — Accordingly, as of this moment, Asians wish to point out: What the hell is the point with all these fusses? Are all these still continued when the election is complete? What do they have in minds?

-  오바마 외교를 그리워할 수밖에 없는 아베

Pivoting Back : Missing Obama Regime

In this perception of lingering questions, it is awfully unfortunate but timely that Japan holds no self-indulgent power to determine its own diplomatic future. — Japanese design of long-term vision, within a scope of international relations with Asian states, is tightly interlinked with the United States strategic policy over eastern topographical interest.

Looking through preceding regime, Shinzo Abe may miss Barack Obama so much since his ‘pivoting’ scheme was truly synchronizing with far right interest. Barack might have wanted to stretch out new American standard regime on pivoting Japan’s wealth and forces, for the US at that time was suffering from the after-shock of economic crisis.

However, just as Donald pinpointed, he failed. — Obama failed to deploy new strategy, and further failed to win Korean supports. The political pressure to obtrude the Korea-Japan statement (on the sex slaves issue), was undoubtedly his sole error and sounded too Democratic. No Korean citizens with ordinary but sound minds, ever liked that thing, not even a single bit.

-  트럼프 정책이 혜안이자 해법일 수밖에 없는 이유

Why Trump Is the Wise Solution for Diplomacy

Donald Trump, though tragically underrated in domestic media, has been the power figure who has altered the long established order. It may sound awkward to some Americans, but they will inevitably accept the fact that Trump himself IS the revolutionist. He has been able to change the old-school convention by never pursuing decadent diplomacy skills, which were mostly designed by pro-Jap American experts whose Asian cultural proficiency is only on Japanese.

Unequipped with previous diplomatic experiences, Trump seems to be instinctively intuitive to realize that a new way will be found where a ‘pivoting’ point is changed from Japan to 2 Koreas. He has opened up a new scale of diplomatic accounts from the very moment when he started talking directly to Kim Jong-un.

Opening a peace era is never an easy job. It takes time, people and money, and further worse, there will always be some interest groups who greedily prefer the existing order. When 2 Koreas come back home, military gains will have to be sacrificed in exchange for economic prosperity. Who are herein engaged and do not like it? Old-school diplomats and Jap-subsidized research fellows, plus intelligence and military leaders along with defense industry providers… You name it.

Equipped with tons of business practices (by far outnumbering others), Trump must have foreseen a more magnificent portrayal through magic mirrors, where the United States go raking in profits on a new frontier beyond North and South Koreas. Who will like it? A majority of humble but great American businessmen and laborers, throughout fields of construction, mining, steel, chemistry, oil, manufacturing, electronics, etc. You name those whoever make America great again.

Business opportunities… New chances of abundance could be discovered by this ex-businessman President’s perspective. He was able mainly because he owed nothing to money makers of election campaign. — Remember that former presidents had no choice but to listen to arms manufacturers. For this rich President, this is never an option because he owes them zero dollars.

-  일본 극우 노선의 제국주의 회귀, 그 끝에는

Where Does Japan Stand When All's Done?

The trade-off between war and peace: One step backwards for military, and two to three steps ahead with economy. Look at what he has brought in. A question: In this set, where is Japan?

There is no arguing that any one may guess why Abe misses Obama and perhaps intends to do something to drag back Barack’s left-over. Restriction to South Korea was the first phase. Another second phase will soon be found in a direction to reach the quorum to deny the peace constitution.

The irony is that, the farther it wishes to go far right, the further away Japan deviates from Trump America’s design. Still binded under the US-Japan and the US-Korea alliances, Japan may suffice to be positioned somewhere in future. Investment opportunities will still be open to Korean, Chinese and Japanese corporations, which was manifested by Trump last year.

Only if it ceases to uphold far right values (and move backwards to mid-conservative lib-dems), Japan may co-exist with Koreas, China, Asia and more importantly the United States, extensibly sparing its own standing. Only if Japs abandon useless old ideas of imperialism…

Assume that the co-existing alliance is still alive in 3 decades or 4 to 5. Far East will be entitled to a totally refreshed blueprint, crossing beyond borders and conflicts, from continent out the the sea, Russia, China, North Korea, South Korea, Japan and the United States.

Assume that the alliance runs into a breakup somewhere on the Korea Strait (between Korea and Japan). A blueprint may include Russia, China and 2 Koreas, but will it still be extended to Japan and beyond? The Unted States may still remain as superpower, but are Americans still holding on to Japs? If not, where do Japs stand then? Abandon them? Pass them over? Turn them down?

-  트럼프의 미국은 일본의 광기를 통제할 수 있다

Trump America Can Control Japs Madness

In this assumption of a breakup, the picture might become too whirlingly troublesome. The most essential problem of this second assumption is that it is never an hypothetical option where the United States profit is maximized, for 2 Koreas will be pushed and tossed to continental direction. We might imagine that Korean peninsula would be closer, or starting to be absorbed to the sino-centric zone. Will future Americans like this modeling? Never.

For thousands of years, Korea has been under Chinese influences with sharing and exchanging ideas. Sometimes Korea and China had wars in between, but it might be easier and more natural for Koreans to get associated with Chinese, long-time neighbors. For the sake of the US interest, this is the last design to obtain.

Japanese fanaticism never helps Americans. It will push Koreans away from Americans toward Chinese (and Russians too). The Unted States shall never let it happen that its careless servant loses and tosses the melting pot treasure away over the far right wall. This Hikaru Sulu servant does not appreciate the value of treasure because he lost track of time. He still believes it is a hundred light years ago.

A realistic approach expert, Donald Trump will know how to tame his shrewed servant. He hardly listens to any unworthy advisors as little as he is ready to think on his own. Some ignorant people may not be intelligent enough to understand who he really is. Whenever tired to get necessary help, he may look out to the window to ask his friendly moon of a ray of shimmering moonlight on a night sky. The moon whispers to him, “remember my dear, the history knows.”

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